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book your loft check


During September our Leaky Homes Roadshow is focusing on Loft Upgrades - helping households to bring their loft insulation up to the recommended level of 270mm. 
Full energy surveys will return in October 2024.     

Upcoming Events

  • Energy Champion Training Day
    Energy Champion Training Day
    Sat, 12 Oct
    12 Oct 2024, 10:00 – 16:00
    Redhill, Redhill, UK
    12 Oct 2024, 10:00 – 16:00
    Redhill, Redhill, UK
    A training day for new Energy Champions and those who are considering the role.

Energy Action Redhill and Reigate is a community benefit society, serving East Surrey. 


Our mission is to make local buildings more sustainable by supporting:

  • energy efficiency measures

  • behaviour change

  • access to renewable energy

hand on home energy dial making it more efficient
Contact Us

07707 533587

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Community benefit society: Registration No. RS008803

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